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Vol. 24 (2006)


Porównanie presji drapieżników na lęgi bażantów na terenie miejskim i terenie rolniczym

Submitted: August 24, 2021
Published: 2006-12-31


The aim of this paper was to evaluate the predators’ pressure in adroitness of pheasant hatching in urban area and agricultural areas. The method of this examination was control imitations of natural pheasant hatching. Preliminary results indicate the highest predators pressure for pheasant hatching in urban area (73.2% loss), then agricultural area (16.7% loss). The main causes of destruction in pheasants hatch were: Corvidae (36%), red fox (36%) and humans (28%). In the agricultural area the cause of destruction was the cat (Felix familiaris). The results of this investigation show a high density of pheasants (more than 9 individuals per 100 hectares) as compared to the agricultural area of the surroundings area (less than 1 individuals per 100 hectares). In conclusion, the environmental conditions are a more important influence than predator pressure.


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