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Vol. 36 No. 3 (2018)


The effect of refrigerated storage on the quality of rainbow trout carcasses

Submitted: December 20, 2018
Published: 2018-09-20


The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of refrigerated storage on the quality of rainbow trout carcasses. The study involved 18 fishes caught in a fishing farm in the Lublin province. Instrumental measurements of physicochemical properties were made: pH of meat, color of skin and fillet, water activity (aw) and water content in fillets, hardness of carcass and loss of carcass weight, as well as water holding capacity (WHC) of muscle tissue. In addition, sensory characteristics were evaluated using QIM system. During the storage period, there was a significant decrease in WHC and water content in fillets as well as a significant loss of carcass weight, while the skin of the fish took on a significantly darker color. The quality index (QIM) after fish killing amounted to 0 pts, after 24 h – 2 pts, and after 48 h – 4 pts. Instrumental measurements of physicochemical properties along with the results of the sensory characteristics evaluation using the QIM method indicate a change in the freshness of fish stored in refrigeration conditions during the evaluated period.


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