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Vol. 34 No. 2 (2016)


The effect of the production season on the basic chemical composition and mineral content of milk produced on low-input farms

Submitted: July 11, 2019
Published: 2016-07-27


In 969 milk samples collected on low-input farms from cows of the White-Backed (331), Polish Red (324) and Simmental (314) breeds, the content of protein, fat, lactose and dry matter was determined. The reference group consisted of 243 samples of milk collected from Polish Black-and-White Holstein-Friesian cows raised in an intensive system (TMR feeding). In a representative number of samples (180) the content of macro- (Ca, Na, K and Mg) and microelements (Cu, Fe, Zn and Mn) was determined as well. Milk produced on low-input farms raising local breeds was found to have a higher nutritional value, including a higher content of Na, Mg, Cu and Mn, than the milk obtained from cows raised in an intensive system. The season of production had a significant influence on the chemical composition of the milk produced in the low-input system, with a higher content of basic components noted in the milk from the autumn/winter season. No clear seasonal relationships were observed for the content of minerals in the milk.


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