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Vol. 21 No. 1 (2011)


The effect of different nitrogen fertilization on some chemical compounds in white cabbage ‘Galaxy F1’ after storage

Submitted: July 26, 2019
Published: 2011-12-29


In 2005–2008 the three-and-half year experiment with white cabbage ‘Galaxy F1 was conducted. The aim of study was to determine the effect of broadcast and placement fertilization with ammonium sulfide and RSM fertlizer (ammonium nitrate and urea solution, 1 : 1 ratio) on some chemical compounds in cabbage leaves after long-term storage. Each year the cabbage was harvested in the second decade of October and heads were stored in 95–98% RH and 2°C conditions to the middle of February next year. The obtain results confirmed that ‘Galaxy F1’ cultivar characterized very good ability to a long storage. Slight changes in soluble sugar and dry matter content after 4-months storage in comparison to harvest were shown. The significant increase of phenol compounds and free amino acid content in cabbage heads after storage was regularly observed. The greatest increase of free amino acid content in the case of cabbage fertilized with ammonium sulfide was noted. At harvest time the cabbage leaves accumulated significantly less thiocyanates when RSM was used. However, about 45% increase of thiocyanate content in cabbage after storage irrespective of application method was shown just in the case of RSM fertilizer.


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