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Vol. 27 No. 3 (2017)


The impact of organic acids on the phytotoxicity and accumulation of cadmium by sunflower plants

Submitted: January 8, 2019
Published: 10.09.2017


The paper presents results of a study on the impact of low molecular organic acids on phytotoxicity and efficiency of cadmium uptake and translocation by sunflower plants (Helianthus annuus L.). The cadmium-contaminated substrate (100 mg Cd · kg–1) was treated with solutions of citric or oxalic acid at concentrations of 25 or 50 mmol · dm–3. It was found that the presence of cadmium ions in the substrate caused a slight reduction in the biomass of shoots, but their elongation growth was strongly limited. There was no significant effect of the applied cadmium dose on the content of photosynthetic pigments in the leaves. Application of organic acids to the contaminated substrate did not usually  have a negative effect the growth of plants and the level of photosynthetic pigments, but resulted in a significant reduction of cadmium content in shoots, especially under the influence of a higher dose of acids used. It was shown that oxalic acid was more effective in reducing the translocation of cadmium to the aboveground parts of sunflower than citric acid.


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