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Vol. 25 No. 4 (2015)


The yielding of French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in the spring and autumn cultivation in the plastic tunnel

Submitted: May 14, 2019
Published: 2015-12-27


The present work investigated the course of more important developmental stages of the plants and the yielding of dwarf French bean cultivars in the spring and autumnal cultivation in the foil high tunnel. The experimental material included 10 yellow pod cultivars of the French bean: ‘NOE-1’ (standard), ‘Dominika’, ‘Poster’, ‘POL-349/05’, ‘POL-B 105’, ‘Lucyna’, ‘LM-86’, ‘Z1/07’, ‘Z2/07’ and ‘Liwia’. Differentiated density of plants was applied: 14.8 plants ∙ m–2 and 8.9 plants ∙ m–2. The experiment was established as two treatments using the method of random blocks in 4 repetitions, with treatment A being the cultivars, and treatment B the density of plants. The sowing of seeds in the tunnel in spring was carried out on 19th April and in autumn on 1st August. The harvest was carried out 2–4 times, depending on the cultivar, according to pods’ maturity, in spring from 27th June to 11th July and in autumn from 26th September to 24th October. The yield of pods on 1 m2: total yield, marketable yield, and non-marketable yield and the quality of marketable pods were determined. In the spring cultivation the period of emergence was twice longer, the flowering stage of plants lasted 11 days shorter, and the period from the sowing to the first harvest was 10 days longer than in the autumn cultivation. The marketable yield of French bean pods in spring cultivation was about 38% higher in comparison to the yield of pods obtained from the cultivation an autumn. French bean pods from the spring cultivation were characterized by a greater content of the dry matter and L-ascorbic acid than the pods from the autumn cultivation. The density of plants of the French bean – 14.8 plants ∙ m–2 was the optimum in spring, at the smaller density of 8.9 plants ∙ m–2 the plants were higher and more extensive, and maturation of pods was less uniform and the marketable yield of pods was smaller by about 30%.


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