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Vol. 23 No. 3 (2013)


Usefulness of 5-aminolevulinic acid in cadmium phytoextraction process

Submitted: May 20, 2019
Published: 2013-09-22


The aim of studies carried out in the greenhouse on sunflower (Helianthus annuus) grown in the medium containing 200 mg Cd ∙ dm-3 was to evaluate the impact of foliar nutrition with 5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA) on the productivity and chemical composition of the plants. Studies pointed to a 12.4% decrease of the weight of sunflower shoots grown in treatments with the addition of 200 mg Cd ∙ dm-3 as compared to the control without cadmium. The study revealed a 10.1 to 23.4% increase in the aboveground matter of sunflower sprayed with 5-ALA solution at the concentrations of 0.01; 0.05; 0.1 mg ∙ dm-3 as compared to plants grown in the medium containing 200 mg Cd ∙ dm-3 with no 5-ALA spraying. Sunflower leaves sprayed with 5-ALA solution contained from 9.9 to 27.0% more cadmium in comparison to plants not sprayed with the agent. In sunflower shoots sprayed with a solution of 5-ALA an increase of the cadmium content was observed from 10.4 to 29.1% and in the roots from 19.3 to 48.3%, compared to the plants not sprayed with a solution of 5-ALA.


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