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Tom 61 (2006)


Fertilization of garlic (Allium sativum L.) with nitrogen and sulphur

Przesłane: 25 maja 2020
Opublikowane: 22-12-2006


In a vegetation pot trial the effect of three graded levels of sulphur in the soil (S0 = 18.3; S1 = 40; S2 = 60 mg S-SO4 kg-1) was explored under constant nitrogen nutrition (0.6 g N pot-1) on the yields and quality of spring garlic. Sulphur was applied as ammonium sulphate and nitrogen was maintained at a uniform level with ammonium nitrate. Mitscherlich’s pots were filled with medium heavy fluvial soil, which showed weak acid reaction, good supply of available phosphorus and potassium, high calcium content and very high magnesium content. Narrow-leaved spring giant garlic, variety ‘Prim’, were planted and harvested in the stage of full maturity. The amount of the yield was evaluated and nitrate content was measured direct in green plants with ion-selective electrode. Under the influence of the higher dosage of sulphur introduced to the soil the yields increased statistically significantly by as much as 9.8% compared with the control variant and by 6% compared to the lower dose of sulphur. With increasing sulphur levels in the soil the reduction of nitrates concentrations in edible parts of garlic was highly significant, i.e. by 9.5 to 22.7% compared to the control treatment. The permitted limit of nitrates according to the Regulations of the Ministry of Health No. 53/2002 Sb was not exceeded in any variant.


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