Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
The present study shows the correlation between both the level and energetic input structure and gained effects in chicks production and hens broilers fattening. The source materials were found in the documents of experimental farms regarding chicks hatches (50 cycles) as well as in the documents of cooperative farm concerning broilers' breeds for 43 productive rotations. The calculations of every cycle were done in weight averages. The level and structure of energetic input was stated for particular hatches in MJ/chick and at chickens' fattening in MJ/kg of body mass. Correlations among the examined variables are stated with the correlation method. Results of the analysis show a tight correlation of both the level and energetic input structure with productive effects and the technology used. Energy input was about 8.68 MJ/chick at marketable hatches but at embryonic ones - about 12.63 MJ. At hen broilers fattening the mean 60.12 MJ/kg of slaughter mass was used. The highest share of raw material was in the energetic input structure. The unit energy-absorptiveness decrease was noticed in the case of both hatches and slaughter mass, as well as of chicken stock/m2 of hatchery, which is manifested in negative correlation relations.
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