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Tom 79 Nr 2 (2024)


Climate change from an agricultural perspective

Przesłane: 30 grudnia 2023
Opublikowane: 02.12.2024


The fact of the global climate system warming is undeniable. Climate changes have been generally observed since the 1990s. The paper examines various meteorological variables influencing plant production to trace how the climatic conditions for agriculture development in Poland are changing with climate warming. This research showed significant differences in agrometeorological characteristics before warming (1961–1990) and during this process (1991–2020). The thermal characteristics crucial for agriculture have changed, impacting the extension of growing and frost-free periods, among other things. Winters are now “milder”. An acceleration of the date of the last spring frost was recorded. The most severe change in precipitation is its increase, especially in winter, with snow having an increasingly smaller share of this precipitation.


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