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The influence of biostimulants used in the cultivation of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) on nitrogen uptake and the efficiency of nitrogen fertilization

Przesłane: 12 lutego 2024
Opublikowane: 05-09-2024


The aim of the study was to determine the effect of different biostimulants applied in the cultivation of Italian ryegrass cv. Dukat on nitrogen uptake and effectiveness of nitrogen fertilisation. A two-year field experiment was arranged as a randomised subblock design (split-plot) with three replicates. The following factors were examined: a) type of biostimulant: Algex, Tytanit, Asahi SL and a control (no biostimulant addition); b) nitrogen application rate: 0 (control), 120 and 180 kg ha–1. The total nitrogen content in the plant material was determined and nitrogen uptake with yield, agricultural and physiological efficiency were calculated. The application of biostimulants increased the nitrogen content in the Italian ryegrass biomass compared to the control. The differences between the tested biostimulants were insignificant. The amount of nitrogen in the biomass was significantly influenced by the rate of nitrogen. The effect of the year of the study was insignificant. The biostimulants used had a significant impact on the total nitrogen uptake during the vegetation year by Italian ryegrass. The values of this parameter depended on the type of biostimulant. Similarly, the value of this parameter was significantly affected by the year of the study, i.e. the total nitrogen uptake was significantly lower in the second year of the study. In the case of the agricultural efficiency fertilisation of Italian ryegrass, no significant differences were found for the influence of the tested experimental factors. The obtained values of the physiological efficiency fertilisation of Italian ryegrass fertilization did not differ significantly in the years of the study.


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