Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
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Vol. 63 No. 4 (2008)


The effect of foliar nutrition with nitrogen, molybdenum, sucrose and benzyladenine on the concentrations of Cd, Fe, Mn, Pb and Zn in radish

  • Sylwester Smoleń
Submitted: May 25, 2020
Published: 22.12.2008


In the years 2006–2007 ‘Opolanka’ radish was grown in 60 × 40 × 20 cm containers, placed on the open ground under shade providing fabric. A loamy clay soil was used as a substrate. The following foliar nutrition treatments were applied twice: 1 – control (spray with water), 2 – urea, 3 – urea + Mo, 4 – urea + Mo + BA, 5 – urea + Mo + BA + sucrose, 6 – BA and 7 – sucrose. The concentrations of urea were 20 g·dm–3, of sucrose 10 g·dm–3, of molybdenum (Mo) 1 mg·dm–3 and of benzyladenine (BA) 5 mg·dm–3. The foliar nutrition treatments have a significant effect on the concentration of Cd and no significant changes in the concentration of Fe, Mn, Pb and Zn in radish. In comparison to the control, plants sprayed only with BA and only with sucrose contained significantly less Cd in radish roots. The concentration of Cd in roots of plants from other combinations were on a similar level as in the control plants.


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