Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
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Vol. 72 No. 1 (2017)


Protected areas as sanctuaries of rare and endangered species of segetal flora as exemplified by the Wigry National Park

Submitted: January 10, 2019
Published: 2017-04-24


The following paper presents results of the research that took place in agricultural habitats of Wigry National Park and its agricultural buffer zone, in the years 2008–2012. Among the investigated segetal flora there were records of 34 vascular plant species from regional and national red lists, in the various categories of threat. Particular attention should be paid to the species related to calcareous habitats as for example: Stachys sannua, Acinos arvensis, Campanula rapunculoides, Lathyrus tuberosus, Geranium dissectum, Anthemis tinctoria, hygrophilous: Centunculus minimus, Centaurium erythraea, Centaurium pulchellum and the fertile habitats: Valerianella dentata, Veronica opaca, Veronica agrestis, Chaenorhinum minus, Chenopodium polyspermum. The most endangering factors are a habitat loss connected with cessation of tillage, changes of arable land use, afforestation or building structure. The less dangerous ones are an increase of production intensification and the use of cleaned seeding material. For the entomophilous species, a decrease of pollinator species is limits the development. The most efficient form of segetal species protection is the in situ method.


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