Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
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Vol. 77 No. 1 (2022)


Weed infestation, yielding and economic efficiency of the cultivation of proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) depending on the type of herbicides and their rate

Submitted: February 9, 2022
Published: 2022-04-26


The article presents the results of research conducted at the Czesławice Experimental Station (central Lublin region, Poland) in 2014–2016 on the influence of some foliar herbicides (2,4-D + fluroxypyr; tribenuron-methyl + fluroxypyr; MCPA, dicamba + triasulfuron) on weed infestation , yielding and economic efficiency of proso millet cultivation. It should be mentioned that there are no registered herbicides for application in proso millet crops (the lists only include herbicides used before sowing and before proso millet emergence). The studies included herbicides recommended for foliar application in oat sowing, in rates of 100% and in rates reduced by 1/2 compared to the rates recommended in oat sowing. The control object were plots without herbicide application (mechanical weed control). The experiment was located on lessive soil made of loess, characterized by a good abundance of digestible nutrients (II valuation class). The classic (plow) method of tillage was used. The forecrop for proso millet was spring barley. The mineral NPK fertilization was adjusted to the initial soil fertility. It was proved that the foliar herbicides used in the experiment (in the tillering phase of proso millet) had high herbicidal effectiveness, and the low degree of weed infestation resulted in high productivity of proso millet in comparison with mechanical care (without herbicides). The effects of the herbicides 2,4-D + fluroxypyr and tribenuron-methyl + fluroxypyr applied in 100% doses were assessed particularly positively, because they almost completely eliminated weeds from the canopy. In turn, the herbicide dicamba + triasulfuron had a slightly lower herbicidal ability. The reasonableness of using foliar herbicides in weeding millet was shown, as they positively influenced the economic effect of cultivating this plant. The highest gross margin was obtained with the use of 100% doses of the herbicides Gold 400 EC (2,4-D; fluroxypyr) and Granstar Strong (tribenuron methyl; fluroxypyr). Despite the higher costs incurred on the cultivation of millet, the costs of herbicidal preparations were compensated by the high value of the obtained yield.


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