The research topic was the analysis of the effect of multi-annual application of varied tillage systems and forecrops on soil texture and physical properties. The field experiments were carried out in Lipnik at the Agricultural Experimental Station belonging to the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin. Two factors were compared in the course of the experiment: factor I – 3 tillage systems: ploughing (A), ploughless (B), direct sowing (C); factor 2 – forecrop: 1 – Faba bean, 2 – sugar beet. The effect of forecrop was stronger with respect to chemical composition of soil, whereas tillage system was found to have a stronger effect on the physicochemical properties of soil. Field water capacity of the soil in the experiment was 10%. The use of reduced tillage systems did not cause changes in soil moisture, in comparison with the conventional tillage system. With direct sowing, there was a significant increase in soil stability, as compared with ploughing (lower RDC values = 0.320 g 100 g-1). This relationship was found only in the deeper layer of soil (0.05-0.20 m). The effect of reduced tillage was manifested in an increase of the value of S(f) indicator and, consequently, structural degradation of soil. The use of Faba bean as forecrop was found to result in higher values of S(f). Direct sowing caused a significant increase in soil stability in comparison with ploughing. However, this relationship was identified only with respect to the deeper layer of soil.
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