Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
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Vol. 70 No. 1 (2015)


Preliminary evaluation of variability and stability of maize hybrids yield

Submitted: May 9, 2019
Published: 2015-03-10


A big number of maize hybrids requires the knowledge on their interaction with the environment before registration. The aim of the paper was to study the variability and yield stability of new experimental maize hybrids based on the experiments carried out in several locations. The material consisted of 25 maize hybrids, including 22 experimental hybrids and three reference varieties MAS 15P, Ricardinio, Lindsey. Hybrids were sown in five locations in Poland in randomized blocks on plots with an area of 15 m2. Evaluation of the variability and stability of the grain yield of the studied hybrids was based on multivariate analysis of variance and on parametric methods: Shukla’s stability variance (σ2), linear regression coefficient (bi) and variance of the regression deviations (S2di) according to Eberhart and Russell and two nonparametric methods: the method of Kang’s parameter and modified method ranks of homogeneous groups and coefficient of variability (RD+V). On the basis of the main effects and the corresponding values of significance levels the studies indicated high-yielding and stable hybrids that did not have any significant interaction with the conditions in different locations. The use of parametric measures allowed us to assess the stability of biological types of hybrids suitable for cultivation in extensive conditions. Intensive hybrids, which responded positively to the improvement of agronomic conditions, were SMH 1856-1304, SMH 1854-1302, KBK 13194, KBK 13196. The highest agricultural stability of the yielding of hybrids was characteristic of SMH 1856-1304 and SMH 1866-1314, which obtained high yields in most locations.


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