Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
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Vol. 68 No. 3 (2013)


Climatic conditions for the development of agrotourism during winter months in the lowland areas of Poland

Submitted: May 23, 2019
Published: 2013-09-05


The purpose of this article is to characterize thermal and snow conditions in terms of agro-tourism during the winter season in lowland areas of Poland. The author used the mean monthly temperature data and the number of days with a snow cover ≥ 1 cm from 53 first order meteorological stations in Poland. The period employed in this study covers 31 winter seasons and includes the years from 1970 until 2000. The following meteorological indices were used: mean winter air temperature (Dec.-Feb.), winter severity index (according to Paczos), mean monthly temperature of the coldest month, the number of months with temperature above freezing during the winter season, the total number of months with temperature above freezing, and the number of days with a snow cover ≥ 1 cm. This study confirmed clear mitigation of winter seasons – the mean temperature during this period increased and varied from 1.0°C in western Poland and the central Odra river valley to –2.0°C in the north and northeast parts of the country. When we compare this data with winters during the period 1950–1975 we can note that the values were lower, and ranged from 0.5°C and ––3.5°C, respectively. When we consider separate 15-year periods (1970/71–1984/85 and 1985/86–1999/2000) we can clearly see that the total number of months with below freezing temperatures decreased from 33 to 23. In the period 1985–2000 there were four winter seasons when above freezing temperatures were registered during each month.

This study confirms a statistically significant association between the mean winter air temperature and the degree of winter snowiness, which is expressed in the number of days with a snow cover ≥ 1 cm. This can be subsequently determined by the following formula: y = –11.71x + 35.036 (R = 0.8284). This particular association indicates that with a progressing climate change (increase in temperature) the number of days with a snow cover will decrease, which will obviously have a negative effect on snow conditions and, subsequently, winter sports. It also should be pointed out that the lack of snow cover will surely deteriorate the esthetic qualities of the landscape


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