Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
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Vol. 68 No. 3 (2013)


Yield and chemical composition of mountains arnica (Arnica montana L.) raw material in relation to the method of plantation establishment and the harvesting time of flower heads

Submitted: May 23, 2019
Published: 2013-09-05


The investigations were conducted in 2008–2010 in two-, three-, and four-year-old mountain arnica plantations established on podzolic soil with the particle size of loamy sand. The aim of the experiment was to assessing the effect of the plantation establishment method and the developmental stage of flower heads on the yield of Arnicae anthodium raw material and its chemical composition. The methods of plantation establishment employed included planting of shoot cuttings obtained by dividing the mother plants and seedlings transplanting produced in multiplates. The raw material was harvested in four phases of flowering of the flower heads, i.e. the phase of the yellow bud, at the beginning of flowering, at full bloom and at the end of flowering. The studies showed that two-year-old mountain arnica plants were characterised by a lower yield potential than that of plants from the three- and four-year-old plantations. In terms of the yield, establishment of plantations from seedlings rather than shoot cuttings seems more beneficial. The time of flower heads harvesting had a significant effect on bioactive substances content. The content of sesquiterpene lactones systematically increased from the yellow bud stage to the end of flowering. The greatest quantities of quercetin was contained in flower heads harvested at the beginning of flowering, while the highest content of essential oil was observed in arnica flower heads harvested at full bloom.


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