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Vol. 67 No. 2 (2012)


Genetic diversity assessment of two Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) populations from Puławy area

Submitted: June 5, 2019
Published: 04.06.2012


In this paper genetic diversity among two Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) populations from the area of Zakłady Azotowe “Puławy” and a little town Żyrzyn was estimated. 13 RAPD primers were used to obtain 137 bands and only 4 of them were monomorphic. There were also DNA fragments specific only for one population and absent in another. Genetic diversity (h) within each population was 0.1718 (Azoty) and 0.1942 (Żyrzyn). The mean diversity HS value was 0.1830. Genetic diversity was focused within populations and it accounted for 95.6% of total variability, which resulted in  little diversity among populations of 0.0088. This can be explained by a small distance of about 7 km, which is connected with a high level of pollen exchange between populations.


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