Doctor honoris causa of the Belarusian State Agricultural University. An essay on the fertilization 1-8 Stanisław Z. Łabuda pdf
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Rare vascular plants of the railway areas in specific regions of the Sandomierz Basin. Part I. Vistula Lowland, nothern part 19-43 Florian Święs, Andrzej Majkut pdf (Język Polski)
Fertilization of garlic (Allium sativum L.) with nitrogen and sulphur 45-50 Tomáš Lošák, Barbara Wiśniowska-Kielian pdf
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The occurrence of natural soil microbial communities in rhizosphere of plants used in the management of domestic areas 75-92 Elżbieta Wielgosz, Adam Szember pdf (Język Polski)
Analysis of organization structures and activity of some agrotouristic associations in Poland 93-106 Jan Zuba, Romuald Domański pdf (Język Polski)
The effect of selected plants on the number and activity of soil microorganisms 107-119 Elżbieta Wielgosz, Adam Szember pdf (Język Polski)
Heavy metals content as a criterion for assessment of potato tubers 121-131 Wiesław Bednarek, Przemysław Tkaczyk, Sławomir Dresler pdf (Język Polski)
Infestation dynamics of naked oats canopy under the conditions of differentiated soil tillage 133-145 Stanisław Deryło, Kazimierz Szymankiewicz, Ryszard Pisarski pdf (Język Polski)
Estimation of nitrates concent in the Dunajec River water 147-155 Barbara Wiśniowska-Kielian, Marcin Niemiec pdf (Język Polski)
Content of nitrogen and basic mineral components in pasture sward in different years of its utilization 157-164 Ryszard Baryła, Mariusz Kulik pdf (Język Polski)
Productivity of grassland communities used for hay and for grazing as permanent grass or leys Changes 165-173 Józefa Harasim pdf (Język Polski)
The effect of foliar microelement fertilization of sward on calcium content in a long-term experiment at Czarny Potok 175-188 Michał Kopeć, Wojciech Szewczyk pdf (Język Polski)
The usage of chlorophyll for evaluation of dry matter intake and nutrients digestibility in a pasture 189-195 Antoni Lipiec, Agnieszka Skałecka pdf (Język Polski)
Importance of smooth-stalked meadow grass (Poa pratensis L.) in the turfness of pasture surface on a peat-muck soil 197-205 Marianna Warda, Ewa Stamirowska, Ewa Stamirowska, Joanna Greniuk, Helena Ćwintal pdf (Język Polski)
The evaluation of yielding renewed grassland sward in the Notec Valey 207-214 Jacek Sikorra pdf (Język Polski)
Area of farms versus fodder base and cattle population in specialized dairy farms 225-236 Halina Lipińska, Julian Gajda pdf (Język Polski)
Development dynamics of Festulolium braunii on the background of various soil conditions 237-248 Halina Lipińska, Mariusz Kulik pdf (Język Polski)
Forming the turfgrass and botanical components of grasslands under the influence of pratotechnical cultivators on the ash dumping Electrical Power Station "Siekierki" 249-255 Agnieszka Gutkowska, Bogumiła Pawluśkiewicz pdf (Język Polski)
Geobotanical diversity of semi-natural communities of the “Bystra” Note valley and their role in the landscape 257-266 Mieczysław Grzelak, Tomasz Bocian pdf (Język Polski)
Różnorodność florystyczna wybranych zbiorowisk nieleśnych doliny Sanu 267-275 Czesława Trąba, Paweł Wolański, Krzysztof Oklejewicz pdf (Język Polski)
The grass communities formation in the old manor parks area on the example of Falenty Palace-Park 277-283 Bogumiła Pawluśkiewicz PDF (Język Polski)
Geomorphological diversity of flooded areas of the Warta river valley and the occurrence of meadow-rush communities 285–292 Anna Kryszak, Jan Kryszak, Maria Grynia pdf (Język Polski)
Correlation between selected factors and quality of seminatural Western Carpathian grasslands 293–301 Ján Novák pdf
Species composition of small mammals on the extensively utilized meadows of Czarnocin Basin over the Szczecin Lagoon 303–308 Eliza Miłek, Dorota Musielak pdf (Język Polski)
Natural and landscape advantages of road sides plant communities in the Lublin region 309–318 Wanda Harkot, Teresa Wyłupek, Zbigniew Czarnecki pdf (Język Polski)
Herbs in forest meadows communities in view of their utilization and landscape 319–331 Maria Trzaskoś, Joanna Szydłowska, Anna Stelmaszyk pdf (Język Polski)
Yielding of mixtures Festulolium braunii (K. Richt.) A. Camus with Trifolium repens L. depending on the share of components and doses of nitrogen fertilization 333–339 Teodor Kitczak, Henryk Czyż pdf (Język Polski)
Studies on the fertilization of a pasture with fluid fertilizers 341–352 Stanisław Kozłowski, Piotr Goliński, Waldemar Zielewicz, Józef Biniaś pdf (Język Polski)
Variation in the occurrence of organic and mineral compounds in Phalaris arundinacea 353–360 Barbara Golińska, Stanisław Kozłowski pdf (Język Polski)
The role of fodder, landscape and tourist constant grasslands at the Kozłowiecki Landscape Park 361–367 Bogusław Sawicki pdf (Język Polski)
Dynamics of the piedmont meadow yielding depending on the kind of fertilization 369–375 Mirosław Kasperczyk, Piotr Kacorzyk pdf (Język Polski)
Phytosociological differentiation of plant communities in meliorated river valleys of the Lublin region 377–387 Barbara Mosek, Stanisław Miazga pdf (Język Polski)
Utility values of Festuca ovina gazon cultivars sown in pure sowing and mixtures on decorative lawns 389–396 Henryk Kwietniewski pdf (Język Polski)
Analysis of yields and botanical composition of meadow sward changes under foliar and soil fertilisation with nitrogen 397–404 Halina Jankowska-Huflejt pdf (Język Polski)
Evaluation of nutritive value of silage from bog meadows 405–411 Helena Żurek, Barbara Wróbel, Jan Zastawny pdf (Język Polski)
Usability of selected grass and legume species for biological reclamation of ash dumps 413–421 Jacek Antonkiewicz, Adam Radkowski pdf (Język Polski)