The microplot experiments were carried out in 2002–2004. The influence of varied NPK fertilization on the yielding, yield structure elements and nutrients of naked and hulled varieties of spring barley and oat was the study objective. The following elements were analyzed: ears (panicles) density, grain and protein yields, weight and number of grains per ear (panicle), weight of 1000 grains and test weight. The content of fiber, oil, ash, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and calcium was also determined. A tendency to increase grain yield of barley and oat was observed after application of 200 kg NPK ha-1 in relation to the other levels of mineral fertilization. The highest grain yield was achieved after application of 200 kg NPK ha-1. Naked varieties of spring barley and oat yielded at the level of 67.7 and 75.8% in relation to their hulled varieties, respectively. Introducing 100 kg NPK ha-1 resulted in significant reduction of protein yield of barley. Mineral fertilization did not significantly affect the values of the elements of cereals yield structure. Hulled barley was characterized by a higher ears number and grain weight per ear than naked one. Hulled oat produced higher grain weight per panicle and weight of 1000 grains than naked one. Grains of naked barley and oat had significantly higher density at loose state. Levels of mineral fertilization significantly modified protein, oil, carbohydrates and calcium content in grains. Naked varieties of spring barley and oat contained significantly more protein, but less fiber and ash in grains than hulled ones. In addition, naked oat was characterized by the highest oil content.
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