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Tom 57 (2002)


Plonowanie nowych linii pszenicy twardej (Triticum durum Desf.) w zależności od poziomu nawożenia azotem i ochrony roślin

Przesłane: 2 marca 2021
Opublikowane: 31-12-2002


The field experiment in 1999-2001 compared grain yields of four durum wheat lines (LGR899/62a, LGR1359/8, LGR896/23, LGR899/17a) and two common wheat cultivars (Sigma and Torka), at two levels of nitrogen fertilization (I - 90 kg N/ha, II - 180 kg N/ha) and two levels of plant protection (I - minimum, II - intensive). The amount of 6 million germinating grains per 1 ha was sown on a plot after sugar beet. Each plot was of 18 m2 area. After harvest, the following were determined: grain yield, number and weight of grains per spike, 1000 kernel weight, and the test weight. The results were statistically worked out. The highest grain yield was obtained applying 90 kg N/ha and full plant protection under experimental conditions. No differences referring to reaction towards agronomic procedure among hard and common wheat lines were found. The mean yield of hard wheat was 4.01 t/ha, which was 75.2% of that for common wheat. This level of yielding and its reaction as compared to common wheat point to the advisability of further breed-ing works upon hard wheat in the country.


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