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Vol. 14 No. 1 (2015)



Submitted: November 4, 2020
Published: 2015-02-28


Chamomile is a valued medicinal plant of high economic importance and therefore agronomic practices in growing this plant are continually improved. One of methods to improve the quantitative and qualitative parameters of herbal raw material can be the application of foliar sprays (growth stimulators, foliar fertilizers, Effective Microorganisms). Row spacing, which has an effect on the use of fertilizers by the plant and natural habitat conditions, is of great importance in chamomile growing practices. During the period 2011–2013, a field experiment was conducted, the aim of which was to determine the effects of selected foliar-applied sprays and different row spacings on the yield and quality of chamomile cv. ‘Złoty Łan’ raw material. The study included three formulations:
Asahi SL, Ekolist P, and EM Farming. Plots without the application of these foliar sprays were the control treatment. The other factor included in the experiment was row spacing, which was as follows: 25, 35, and 45 cm. Plant height and number of inflorescences per stem, total yield of raw material and the content of essential oil and flavonoids in raw material were determined. The growth stimulator Asahi SL was proven to positively affect the yield and quality of chamomile raw material. Ekolist P had a lower effect on the improvement in the parameters analyzed. The reports of some authors that Effective Microorganisms (EM Farming) had no effect whatsoever on plant productivity were confirmed in this study. It was shown that growing chamomile in rows 45 cm apart, or at a row spacing of 35 cm, was most beneficial for the yield and quality of chamomile raw material. A narrow row spacing (25 cm) contributed to a decrease in yield and deterioration in its quality.


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