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Vol. 11 No. 2 (2012)



Submitted: December 22, 2020
Published: 2012-04-30


The UE-imposed restrictions on the manufacture and application of plant protection chemicals impose on the nurseryman the need to screen for new substances that are environmentally friendly and yet effective in the production of plant material. Biopreparations may constitute such a group as they contain substance little affecting the environment. The aim of the work was to evaluate effects of the biopreparation Algamino-Plant on rooting of stem cuttings in Cornus alba ‘Aurea’ and C. alba ‘Elegantissima’. Freshly harvested cuttings were sprayed with the 0.2% water solution of the biopreparation. To compare its effectiveness with the commercial rooting powders used routinely in the nursery production part of the cuttings were treated with “Ukorzeniacz AB” (0.3% NAA) or Rhizopon AA (2% IBA). Both powders little affected rhizogenesis. Application of the biopreparation increased percentage and degree of rooting in dogwood as compared to control cuttings what shows its potential in a commercial production. The above treatment increased chlorophyll, carbohydrate contents and free amino acids in leaves of the sprayed cuttings.


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