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Vol. 11 No. 5 (2012)



Submitted: December 30, 2020
Published: 2012-10-31


The aim of the experiment was study the response of blue honeysuckle cv. ‘Atut’ and ‘Duet’ to application of Betokson Super and some fertilizers. The study was
carried out in 2004–2007 on three years old plants growing in clay-loam soil. Bormax applied twice during blooming period and one after fruit harvest in concentration 0.2%. Calcium nitrate Ca(NO3)2 applied to the soil around plants in April at the rate of 50 kg·ha-1. Betokson Super 050 SL applied twice during blooming period in concentration 0.1%. Finally combination of calcium nitrate + Bormax and calcium nitrate + Betokson were used. Untreated by chemicals plants served as a control. Boron fertilization enhanced significantly amount of anthocyanins and ascorbic acid in fruit. Blue honeysuckle fruits are plenty of anthocyanins and ascorbic acid and as a first ripening fruit in our climate could be a good its source for human consumption. Soil application of calcium nitrate resulted
in significantly lower levels of phosphorus in leaves of blue honeysuckle. However plants did not showed the symptoms of P deficiency. According to results of present study, in order to reach high yield and high fruit quality, blue honeysuckle plants could be fertilized by calcium nitrate and Bormax, as well as treated by Betokson Super. Clear differences in yielding and leaf characteristic of both studied cultivars indicate that they are genetically distant.


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