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Vol. 15 No. 3 (2016)



Submitted: October 27, 2020
Published: 2016-06-30


Over the period 2007–2009, a study was conducted on the biology and abun-dance of flowering of Weigela florida Bunge and the effect of color change in its flowers on the behavior of pollinating insects. In the climatic conditions of south-eastern Poland, the flowering of the studied taxon started at the beginning of the second 10-day period of May and lasted from 4.5 to 7 weeks. Single W. florida flowers lived on average for 6.5 days. Bumblebees were predominant among insects visiting the flowers of Weigela florida, while honey bees visited them in lower numbers. Insect visitation to different-aged flowers was found to vary. The pollinators most frequently visited young flowers with bright pink petals and a yellow or orange nectar guide in the throat of the corolla, while they avoided older dark red flowers with a red-carmine nectar guide.


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