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Vol. 5 No. 1 (2006)



Submitted: July 19, 2021
Published: 2006-06-30


Blueberries are tasteful fruits and are widely believed to be the source of health beneficial compounds, especially phenolics. Freezing is one of the methods of prolonging their supply beyond vegetative season.
The aim of the study was to estimate fruit chemical composition of four blueberry cultivars (‘Spartan’, ‘Bluecrop’, ‘Jersey’ and ‘Blueray’). Dry weight, total sugar, total acidity, vitamin C and total polyphenol content were determined in fresh berries and after 6 and 12 months of freeze-storage at –25oC.
In generally, ‘Bluecrop’ berries showed the most stabile chemical composition (dry weight, total sugar, total acid content) whereas ‘Spartan’ ones the least. Considering the all storage period the least pronounced changes occurred in total acid content (increase by 0.1 g citric acid . 100 g-1) while the most substantial in vitamin C content, decrease by 57% (‘Bluecrop’) – 72% (‘Jersey’).


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