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Vol. 4 No. 2 (2005)



Submitted: August 24, 2021
Published: 2005-12-31


The influence of biopreparations Bioczos SL, Biosept 33 SL, Biochikol 020 PC, Propolis and synthetic fungicides Euparen Multi 50 WG, Horizon 250 EW and Teldor 500 SC was examined on the growth of micorrhizal fungus Oidiodendron sp. Fungicides were added to PDA medium at the following concentrations: recommended dose, 5-times lower than the recommended and 5-times higher than the recommended. The synthetic fungicides were more toxic to Oidiodendron sp. than biopreparations. On the medium containing Horizon 250 EW fungus did not growth. The greather part of biopreparations inhibited growth of Oidiodendron sp. but only Bioczos SL and Propolis in dose 5-times higher than the recommended, toataly inhibited growth of fungus colonies.


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