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Tom 21 Nr 4 (2022)


The influence of four rootstocks on the growth, yield and fruit quality of two plum cultivars

Przesłane: 13 marca 2020
Opublikowane: 2022-08-31


The influence of three clonal rootstocks (‘Pixyʼ, ‘Fereleyʼ and ‘St. Julien Aʼ) along with seedlings of Myrobalan
(control) on growth, yield and fruit quality of plum cultivars ‘Čačanska Najboljaʼ and ‘Čačanska Lepoticaʼ was studied in the Belgrade region (Serbia) for the six year-period (2013–2018). In comparison to control, clonal rootstocks have shown a significant effect on the decrease of trunk cross-sectional area. The lowest vigor was found in trees on the ‘Pixyʼ rootstock, then on ‘Fereleyʼ and ‘St. Julien Aʼ. Yield per hectare on trees grafted on clonal rootstocks was higher for 62–82% in ‘Čačanska Najboljaʼ, and for 26–27% in ‘Čačanska Lepoticaʼ compared to Myrobalan. In cultivar ‘Čačanska Najboljaʼ significantly higher fruit weight compared to control was obtained in the trees on the ‘Fereleyʼ and ‘St. Julien Aʼ rootstocks. The effects of rootstocks on the contents of soluble solids and total acids in the fruit were not significant. All three studied clonal rootstocks showed better results than standard Myrobalan, and can be recommended for establishing intensive plum plantations with higher planting density.


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