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Tom 19 Nr 3 (2020)



Przesłane: 29 czerwca 2020
Opublikowane: 2020-06-29


Soil salinity is a growing problem that affects crop quality. Cucumber is a vegetable eaten fresh, with great worldwide demand, making its chemical and physical characteristics important. In the present work, the effects of foliar application of silicon (Si: 0 and 2 mM), calcium (Ca: 0 and 2 mM), and the combination of both (Si + Ca: 0 + 0 mM, 2 + 0 mM, 0 + 2 mM and 2 + 2 mM) on dry matter of leaves and stems, yield and fruit quality of cucumbers grown in a sodic soil were studied. Treatments did not affect dry biomass, yield and product size. The obtained results show that applying foliar Ca increases total soluble solids in comparison to the control. Foliar Si application significantly increased fruit firmness in the end towards the peduncle. Moreover, foliar Ca application increased the fruit hue angle (intense green), while foliar Si application increased chroma (dark green), both significantly regarding the control. The individual applications of Si and Ca were proven to differentially improve the fruit quality parameters of cucumber in sodic soil conditions.


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