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Tom 16 Nr 5 (2017)



Przesłane: 20 października 2020
Opublikowane: 2017-10-31


The subtropical ecology of the Mediterranean region in Turkey has an important potential based on precocity for both stone and soft fruits. The aim of this study is to determine the yield and fruit quality properties of some apple cultivars on dwarf (M9) and semi-dwarf (MM106) rootstocks under the subtropical ecological conditions. Harvesting date, yield and pomological characteristics of apple cultivars ‘Vista Bella’, ‘Jerseymac’, ‘Starking Delicious’, ‘Golden Delicious’, and ‘Granny Smith’ were determined. The highest yield per tree was recorded from trees on rootstocks MM106, whereas the highest yield per hectare was detected from M9 rootstocks. Fruit quality varied dependent on cultivars but rootstocks were effective only on TSS and fruit skin color such as L*, b*, C, and h°. There was not found any effect of rootstocks on the other fruit characteristics such as fruit weight, pH, fruit length, and firmness. Result of this study revealed that summer apple cultivars were found to be very promising on both rootstocks (M9 and MM106) in the subtropical ecological conditions of the Mediterranean region in Turkey.


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