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Tom 15 Nr 3 (2016)



Przesłane: 28 października 2020
Opublikowane: 2016-06-30


Geocomposite (GC) with hydrophilic polymer is an innovative method of su-perabsorbent application. The aim of the conducted research was to assess the usefulness of the geocomposite for the fertilization of Hosta with liquid fertilizer in comparison with soluble fertilizer (SF) and controlled release fertilizer (CRF). Plants were grown in con-tainers filled with peat substrate, in a plastic tunnel and regularly feed with two doses of the fertilizers (according to N supply: 0.36 or 0.72 g·plant-1). Hostas responded positively to GC application: plants were higher and wider and their fresh weight increased respec-tively by 15 and 22% in comparison with SF and CRF application. The yield of dry matter was also higher. Plant nutrient status was better in case of P, K and Mg, but the N leaf content was lower. Lower electrical conductivity of the substrate at the end of cultivation with GC, alongside with intensive growth of plants proved high utilization of nutrients. The experiment confirmed usefulness of geocomposite for ornamental plant fertilization.


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