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Tom 15 Nr 4 (2016)



Przesłane: 28 października 2020
Opublikowane: 2016-08-31


This research was conducted to determine the effects of three grafting methods (chip budding, side and splice grafting) and topical applications on graft scion of IBA (0 and 4000 ppm) and three plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) strains (Bacillus subtilus-OSU142, Bacillus megatorium-M3 and Burkholderia gladia-BA7) on graft success and plant growth in black mulberry sapling production. The experiment was carried out in a randomized complete block design with three replications in Bolu, Turkey in 2014 and 2015. The black mulberry (Morus nigra L.) were used for grafting scions. Two-year old white mulberry (Morus alba L.) seedling were used for rootstocks. The results showed that in general all of the bacterial strains and IBA had significant effects on all parameters tested in graft scion compared with the control. Application of 4000 ppm IBA and Bacillus megatorium-M3 increased the success graft take rate (74.44 and 72.22%, respectively), graft sprouting rate (61.11 and 60.00%, respectively), graft shoot diameter (6.21 and 5.70 mm, respectively) and graft shoot length (35.50 and 35.31 cm, respective-ly). Grafting methods had significant effect for all parameters and grafting methods in-creased the graft success. The best graft take rates (75.33 and 70.67%, respectively), graft sprouting rates (62.67 and 57.33% respectively), graft shoot diameter (5.56 and 5.88 mm, respectively) and graft shoot length (34.14 and 37.86 cm, respectively) were obtained from splice grafting and chip budding methods. In conclusion, the present study showed that 4000 ppm IBA and PGPR strains (especially M3 and OSU142) increased the graft success of black mulberry graft. The PGPR application may be of benefit for grafting in mulberry cultivars, particularly for organic farming. Besides, splice grafting and chip budding were found to be successful to black mulberry plant production.


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