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Tom 17 Nr 5 (2018)



Przesłane: 30 listopada 2018
Opublikowane: 2018-11-30


The mode of inheritance and the degree of phenotypic correlation between some more important agronomic traits in two offsprings obtained by direct and reciprocal crossing of cultivars ‘Smederevka’ and ‘Gewurztraminer’ were investigated in this study. In 62 genotypes from direct crossing (Smederevka ´ Gewurztraminer) and 66 genotypes from reciprocal crossing (Gewurztraminer ´ Smederevka), the traits evaluated were as follows: time of bud burst, flowering time, ripening time, bunch weight, berry weight, grape yield, sugar content of must and total acidity of must. The genotypes of F1 generation for the investigated traits were arranged into a number of categories by the OIV method. In both crossing combinations (direct and reciprocal) for most traits, the same mode of inheritance (partial dominance, dominance or heterosis) was determined. Differences in the mode of inheritance, depending on whether the parental varieties were used as a father or mother, were found only for ripening time (partial dominance and intermediate inheritance). The prevailing mode of inheritance established for most of studied traits, regardless of the crossing method, was negative heterosis. From all examined traits, a significant influence of maternal effect was determined for the inheritance of flowering time and ripening time. In both crossing combinations, statistically significant phenotypic correlations were found between some studied traits. 


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