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Tom 11 Nr 6 (2012)



Przesłane: 31 grudnia 2020
Opublikowane: 2012-12-31


Nowadays, the increasing tendency to use of herbs and herbal preparation is observed; however, one of the main problem is accumulation of hazardous contaminations in living organisms. In view of these facts, the analysis of toxic components including heavy metals in plants is particular importance. The contents of trace elements: Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn and Ni in medicinal plants collected in the region of Lublin were determined by use of ion chromatography method. The presence of these metals in various amounts was observed in all investigated herbs, however, nickel was found only in Vitis idaeae folium (0.0410 mg g-1) and Polygonii herba (0.0137 mg g-1). Fe and Mn occurred in the highest amount (1.5378 mg g-1 in Polygonii herba and 1.1040 mg g-1 in Vitis idaeae folium, respectively). The content of zinc ranged from 0.2541 mg g-1 (Euphrasiae herba) to 0.0264 mg g-1 (Equiseti herba). The smallest amount of copper was noted in Urticae
folium (0.0046 mg g-1) and the highest in Crataegi inflorescentia (0.0155 mg g-1). The extraction of selected ions to water infusion depending on time and temperature was also determined however, only iron passed into water infusion in significant concentration. The highest percentage of extraction was obtained after 10 min. at 95oC.


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