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Tom 22 Nr 1 (2023)


Determination of the quality and phytochemical content of F1 strawberry genotypes selected in Bilecik province ecological conditions

Przesłane: 14 stycznia 2022
Opublikowane: 2023-02-24


The production of strawberry cultivation in wide ecological regions, its aroma, rich mineral content and taste affect the preference of consumers positively. The high amount of aroma of local cultivars enables them to be used as parents in breeding studies. In this study, it was aimed to determine the morphological and pomological characteristics and phytochemical contents of the superior F1 strawberry genotypes selected after hybridization with the local Osmanli strawberry under the ecological conditions of Bilecik province. Morphological and pomological analyzes were made and the best ten genotypes were selected according to the weighted grading method. According to this, the titratable acidity amount of the selected genotypes was determined between 0.28–0.51, the total soluble solid amount was determined between 5–10.5%, and the pH amount was determined between 3.3–3.78. By looking at the average fruit weight, fruit width and fruit length values, genotypes that can compete with commercial cultivars were selected and these were determined as table genotypes. While the total phenolic content of the ten genotypes selected by phytochemical analyzes was found between 2675.56–3983.89 μg GAE/g TA, the total amount of anthocyanin was determined between 156.19–39.12 μg Plg-3-glu/gta. The antioxidant amount was 18.95 μmol TE/ g ta-7.54 μmol TE/ g in the FRAP method.


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