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Tom 23 Nr 3 (2024)


Determination of biological activity of ethanol extracts of date-plum (Diospyros lotus) fruits and seeds growing in Turkey

Przesłane: 12 lutego 2024
Opublikowane: 2024-06-28


This study was carried out to evaluate quality criteria such as chemical composition and antioxidant and antibacterial activity values in 80% ethanol extracts of date-plum (Diospyros lotus) fruits and seeds. In addition, the macro and microelement concentrations of fruits and seeds were also investigated. According to the data obtained, when fruit and seed were compared, it was determined that the seed (81.72%) contained more components than the fruit (79.4%), and the antioxidant activity of the seed was also higher. While the main component of the seed was “Methyl hydrogen disulfide” with 43.21%, the main component of the fruit was “5-Hydroxymethylfurfural” with 24.2%. As a result of antimicrobial activity tests, neither seeds nor fruits have antimicrobial activity. At the same time, the nutritional content values of the seeds and fruits of this plant were analyzed and evaluated. When the data obtained are evaluated in terms of both macro and micronutrients, it has been observed that the nutritional content values of the fruit (K (3.63%), P (0.68 %), Cu (24.31%), Zn (10.49 mg kg–1) and Mn (25.29 mg kg–1) for fruits) are higher than the seeds. In conclusion, the findings from the evaluation of Diospyros lotus fruit and seeds in this study highlight the richness in chemical composition and high antioxidant activity of the seeds, as well as the nutritional superiority of the fruit. Therefore, further research to better understand and harness the potential health benefits of this plant could contribute to a deeper understanding of this field.


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