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Tom 17 Nr 6 (2018)



Przesłane: 20 grudnia 2018
Opublikowane: 2018-12-20


Foliar application of micronutrients (both in common and nano-forms) to meet the nutritional demands of plants and even to overcome the stressful environments has gained great attention of agricultural systems. In our experiments, we tried to use the foliar nano-zinc and common zinc sources under salinity conditions and study their effects on some morpho-physiological traits of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) as factorial experiment based on RCBD design. ANOVA results revealed the interaction effects of salinity and zinc foliar application on elemental content (K+, Na+ and Zn2+), as well as essential oil yield of the plants. Carotenoids were influenced by the salinity levels. Soluble sugars content, flavonoids, H2O2 and MDA contents were influenced by individual levels of salinity and zinc foliar applications. Eventually, nano-zinc foliar spray was able to overcome the mild salinity effects on the plant growth and physiological parameters and it could be administered to the production systems and pioneer plant producers.


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