Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin

Weeding and Virginia mallow plant density depending on herbicides

Halina Borkowska

Roman Molas


A single-factorial, micro-plot (1 m-2 of plot area) experiment (three combinations in four replications) involving Virginia mallow plants was carried out in the Experimental Farm Felin at the Agricultural University, Lublin. Two herbicides (Goltix 70 WG and Treflan 480 EC) along with the control variant with no nursery operations were applied in the experiment. Species com-position, number of plants, and air-dried weed matter from each plot were determined every year at the end of July. Virginia mallow was sown at the end of April. Plants were counted after emer-gence and at the end of vegetation, which was used to determine the field emergence ability as well as the plant’s survival. The harvest was performed in November, then the dry matter yield was evaluated.
Herbicides applied in the experiment reduced the species composition, the number of plants, and the air-dried weed matter. They had a negative influence on field emergence ability of Vir-ginia mallow plants; however, the survival and the dry matter yield increased.


Virginia mallow, dry matter yield, wed intestation, herbicides

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Halina Borkowska 
Roman Molas 


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