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Tom 31 Nr 4 (2013)


Odpowiedź behawioralna koni różnych ras, płci i wieku na zabawkę

Przesłane: sierpnia 8, 2019
Opublikowane: 2014-02-06


The studies were conducted on four groups of the same number of broiler chickens ROSS 308 (each of 50 birds). The birds were fed Starter mixtures (12.8 MJ ME, 217 g total protein) for the first 21 days, and then Grower mixtures (13.1 MJ ME, 202 g total protein) for the next 3 weeks. Extracted soybean meal was used as the high protein feed in mixtures for chickens in the control group, while bean, pea and lupine seeds in the amount that corresponded to the same protein content (Starter – 15%, Grower – 33%) were applied in experimental mixtures instead of the soybean meal. The body weight gain, feed intake, dressing percentage, carcass musculature and fatness, the content of basic nutrients in breast muscles, pH15 and pH24 in the muscles as well as gustatory value  of meat were analysed in the experiment. It was concluded that the introduction of Fabaceae seeds (regardless of species) into mixtures for broiler chickens significantly improved body weight gain (P ≤ 0.01) and dressing percentage (P ≤ 0.05) in birds with similar carcass musculature and fatness, and simultaneously sensory traits of meat were better (P ≤ 0.05), compared to chickens that were fed mixtures, in which the extracted soybean meal was the only protein feed.


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