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Vol. 32 No. 1 (2014)


Frequency, phenology and ecological factors in roe deer (Capreolus capreolus Linnaeus, 1758) – vehicle collisions in the Lublin County (East Poland) in the light of the police data

Submitted: August 7, 2019
Published: 2014-03-06


Road roe deer – vehicle collisions (RVCs) remain a serious challenge to road traffic in

Europe. The study covered 153 cases of roe deer-vehicle collisions reported to the police in the Lublin County (east Poland) in 2008–2011. The highest number of RVCs (65.3%) were reported in spring and autumn. According to the available data, the highest number of collisions took place in May and October. No significant differences in collision frequency were found between days of the week. The frequency of collisions resulting in roe deer getting killed reached its peak in May, and the largest number of cases in which roe deer individuals were killed was reported in time intervals connected with sunrise and sunset. Non-local drivers, unfamiliar with the Lublin County, collided with roe deer more frequently compared to local drivers, who knew the area they were driving in. An increase in the road network density favoured an increase in the frequency of roe deer-vehicle collisions.


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