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Vol. 35 No. 3 (2017)


The water footprint in production of animals for slaughter

Submitted: January 30, 2019
Published: 2017-09-15


Human impact on the environment has grown much faster than what was expected. What is more people consume more natural resources than what Earth is capable of regenerating. At present, the global livestock sector uses about 75% of all agricultural land, and is responsible for about 30% of global agricultural water requirements. The expected rising demand for animal sourced foods in the future can potentially amplify environmental impacts as a result of rising incomes, growing population and urbanization. Therefore, the knowledge about water distribution for livestock production in different systems is of strategic importance. The water footprint values of meat animals are mainly determined by the type of diet and by productive efficiency of the animals. Additionally, the roughage-concentrate ratio and type of roughage significantly influence the footprint values. Having regard to the resources of fresh water, grazing systems for production of livestock for slaughter may be more preferable than industrial systems.


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