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Vol. 31 No. 3 (2013)


The influence of protein-xanthophyll concentrate of alfalfa on growth performance and carcass value of growing-finishing pigs

Submitted: March 10, 2021
Published: 2013-09-30


The protein-xanthophyll concentrate obtained from alfalfa is characterized by a high content of protein and biologically active components. The objective of the present study was to
determine the influence of protein-xanthophyll concentrate supplement to the diet on pig growth performance, feed conversion ratio, nutrient digestibility, slaughter traits and carcass value of growing-finishing pigs. The study was carried out on 105 growing – finishing pigs of ♀ PLW ´♂ Neckar breed allocated into three experimental groups: C – control, E1 with dietary supplement of 1.5% alfalfa concentrate and E2 – with 3% dietary addition of alfalfa concentrate. Fatteners were slaughtered at 115 or 145 kg body weight. Group E2 showed a marked improvement in digestibility of crude protein and ether extract during the growing period and crude protein in the finishing period (p ≤ 0.05). The loin eye area from the fatteners slaughtered at 115 kg of live weight was larger by 2.5 cm2 and by 3.8 cm2 (p ≤ 0.05), respectively in groups E1 and E2 as compared to control, whereas the animals slaughtered at 145 kg BW had a larger loin eye area by 1.5 cm2 and by 1.8 cm2 (p ≤ 0.05). The components of a protein-xanthophyll concentrate of alfalfa contributed to a significant increase of liver weight.


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