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Vol. 38 No. 2 (2022)


Analysis of the association between the polymorphism of the growth hormone gene (GH/HaeII) and quality of fatteners carcass and meat traits

Submitted: August 16, 2022
Published: 2022-10-07


The aim of the research was to determine the quality of fatteners carcasses as well as the physical characteristics and chemical composition of the loin and ham in relation to the polymorphism in the GH locus. In the experiment were used fatteners hybrids of the following breeds: Polish Large White, Polish Landrace, Duroc and Pietrain, kept on an individual farm in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship. GH gene polymorphism was determined by PCR-RLFP method, using restriction enzyme HaeII. Relationships between particular genotypes and the indicators of muscle and fatness of the carcass as well as physical characteristics and chemical composition of the loin and ham were determined. It was found that the AA genotype fatteners were characterized by a significantly higher content of muscle tissue, weight of loin without skin, bones and fat, share of loose water in the ham and loin and fat in the ham. Heterozygotes were characterized by significantly higher weight of the whole loin and ham and fat content in the ham.


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