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Vol. 35 No. 1 (2017)


The impact of faba bean with high or low content of tannins on the results of rearing and carcass quality of broiler chickens Part II. Meat quality of chickens

Submitted: June 26, 2019
Published: 2017-03-27


The aim of the study was to evaluate breast muscles quality of broiler chickens fed mixtures with different percentage of high- or low-tannin faba bean. The material consisted of 40 muscles taken from chickens from the 5 groups. Control group chickens (I) were fed the mixtures in which the only high-protein raw material was soybean meal, and the starter/grower mixtures for experimental chickens 10/20% or 20/30% of the protein of the meal was replaced by high-tannin (II and III groups) or low-tannin faba bean (IV and V groups). It has been shown that the introduction of a higher share of faba bean (regardless of variety) to mixtures for chickens increased the intensity of the yellow colour and a chroma C (P < 0.05). No effects applied feeding birds on the content of the basic nutrients in muscles. Intramuscular fat of breast muscles the chickens fed with mixtures containing faba bean had lower (P < 0.01) SFA and more (P < 0.05) PUFA, but only in the muscles of the birds fed diets with a higher share of faba bean. In addition, the muscles received a higher average note for the sensory characteristics. The obtained results allow to recommend an even higher percentage of faba bean in mixtures, because it has improved the quality of breast muscles in the health-oriented direction


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