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Vol. 26 No. 2 (2016)


Plants from Apiaceae family – a source of the raw pharmacopeias material

Submitted: May 4, 2019
Published: 2016-06-05


Apiaceae family is the oldest systematized and described group of medicinal plants. They are characterized by a high content of essential oils, whose main ingredients are terpenes (monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes and their derivatives). These compounds determine the range of biological and pharmacological properties of essential oils. The purpose of this paper was to describe the most important raw materials of Apiaceae medicinal plants and their therapeutic properties. Essential oils obtained from these plants show various therapeutic properties. They may be used as remedia: spasmolytica, expectorantia, carminativa, stomachica et digestiva, diuretica, sedativa, antiseptica, cholagoga et choleretica. Moreover, they limit the growth and development of pathogenic bacteria and maintain of the bacterial flora of the digestive tract in balance. Additionally, they show anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive properties.


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