Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
The studied green lands are situated in south-eastern Poland (Lublin region, Tomaszów Lubelski district, Tyszowce commune). Samples of meadow sward (2x1m2 area each) were taken from plots of different plant communities to determine the hay yield, its utility value andmacroelements content. Furthermore, the content of total protein, P, K, Mg and Ca was determined applying commonly used techniques. The performed test revealed that hay of selected communities was characterized by protein level optimum or close to optimum for cattle. Most hay samples were distinguished by phosphorus deficiency and only in a few cases they were abundant in magnesium, calcium and potassium. Among Phragmitetea class communities, the highest photo-mass yields were achieved from Caricetum ripariae. Also, meadows of the community were characterized by the highest number of utility value. Glycerietum maximae phytocenoses showed the lowest yields. Among Molinio-Arrhenathereta communities, plots from Alopecuretum pratensis meadows achieved the highest yields and at the same time they were chracterized by the highest utility value.
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