Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
The experiment was carried out in 1996–1998 on the soil of light loamy sand type acidic reaction by means of randomized sub-blocks. Three cultivars (Kulista Biała IHAR, Kulista Czerwona IHAR, Swojecka Czerwona) and five weeds control methods (sprays with: Linurex
50 WP dosed 2.0 kg ha-1; mixture of Afalon 50 WP + Bladex 50 WP dosed 1.5 l + 1.5 kg ha-1, respectively, Azogard 50 WP dosed 3 kg ha-1, mixture of Afalon 50 WP + Command 480 EC dosed 1 l + 0.2 l ha-1, respectively; mechanical tillage without herbicides as the control object) were the factors of the experiment. The soil was fertilized with 100 kg N, 52.4 kg P and 149.4 kg K and 25 t ha-1 of manure. The contents of dry matter, inuline, total and specific protein, crude fibre and ash were determined in the tubers with generally accepted methods. The highest contents of dry matter, fructose, specific protein and ash were found in the control objects, without herbicides. Linurex herbicide caused an increase of inuline concentration in tubers. The contents of ash and specific protein was decreased by the mixtures of Afalon + Command, and fructose concentration – by the mixture of Afalon + Bladex. The content of total protein and crude fibre was not significantly determined by the examined herbicides.