Summary. The study were realized in 2011–2012 in Gnatowice next to Krakow. Their goal was the assessment of selected varieties of Poa pratensis to use ‘park’. In the experimental varieties ‘Alicja’, ‘Ani’, ‘Bili’, ‘Conni’, ‘Evora’ and ‘Limousine’ evaluated: condition plant in spring and autumn, overwintering, the overall aesthetic aspect (OA), compactness (C), intensity of regrowth (IR) and associated diseases. In the research the best state in the spring was by a ‘Limousine’, while the worst ‘Evora’. Winter storage was significantly different in the research of each variety. The overall aesthetic aspect and compactness was dependent on the variety, seasons and research. The most attractive plants look like summer, while the worst fall. In general, the greater the intensity of regrowth were characterized by variations in the second year of research, exceptions in this respect were ‘Conni’ and ‘Evora’. The greatest concentration of two diseases: Microdochium nivale and Entyloma dactylidis observed in the spring. The most affected Puccinia striiformis were plants in the autumn. With the railways in case of Drechslera poae lowest symptoms of this disease were observations in the summer at the all varieties of kentucky bluegrass.
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