Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
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Vol. 78 No. 4 (2023)


Sowing date as a determinant of spatial structure and yield of sugar beet canopy

Submitted: January 12, 2024
Published: 2024-04-18


In 2015–2016, research on sugar beet was carried out in the experimental field in Miedniewice belonging to the Experimental Station of the Institute of Agriculture of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. The variability of plant and canopy traits of sugar beet during the growing season was assessed, as well as their impact on the final root mass of individual plants and the yield of this species depending on the sowing date. The number of plants, their living area, and the rate of plant development in the juvenile period most strongly determined the yield of sugar beet. The delaying of the sowing date by two weeks resulted in a decrease in root yield by 10.2 t‧ha–1 (16.9%), a decrease of plant density by 8.9 thous.‧ha–1 (9.2%) and the average final root mass by 14.0 g (2.1%) as well as a decrease of the sucrose content by 0.4 percentage points and an increase in the content of α-amino nitrogen and an increase of sodium and potassium ions content respectively by 1,1; 0.4 and 1.0 mmol‧kg–1 of pulp, i.e. by 14.0%; 9.5% and 2.4%.


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